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I Choose Me: A Guide to Making Yourself 'Number One' Every Single Day

Greetings my beautiful souls all over the world, I am sorry that it has been a while since my last post. I had the toughest month where I had to face some challenging situations, situations which I have been able to come through and be stronger and more resilient for. As much as I have made this blog personal, in this post I have decided not to disclose the events that happened over the last month as it is apart of my past and it no longer needs to be talked about. I choose to live my life in the present moment and move forward, not focusing on the negative situations. 

One of the biggest life lessons I have learned throughout living in London and all the tough challenges I have faced is to make myself 'NUMBER ONE'. It has been one of the hardest yet most remarkable lessons to have learned, and still be learning along the way. Basing our life on our insecurities leads to a very dangerous path of destruction, because living life this way makes it very easy to self sabotage and neglect our own needs. And we all deserve better than that.

Today I can proudly say that I choose myself first every single day. I live life on MY terms. I do things that make ME happy. I don't seek validation from others when making decisions for myself because I know only I am in control of the steering wheel to my life and what makes me happy. And let me tell you, it is such an empowering feeling. 

I went to an event last Sunday called 'Get the Guy' and I was surrounded by so many empowering women but also women who had a lot of insecurities within themselves. This helped me make sense of my own life and insecurities. Not only that, but it made me realise how far I have come already, and that some of the women I met or heard stories from had such low confidence and it made me feel so sad that they feel that way about themselves. As women especially, I think it is VITAL to make ourselves number one always, to love ourselves in order for others to be able to love us in return. At the end of the day, if we don't love ourselves, we cannot expect others to love us, not genuinely anyway. How we feel about ourselves is the energy we attract - if we don't love ourselves, we will attract people in our lives who don't love us. On the other hand, if we do love ourselves then we will attract people who will love us (not just men, but all genders)

I speak for myself but for all those women who are too afraid to have a voice, I hope you have the strength to follow this guide and allow yourself to love YOU bit by bit each day until it becomes natural. Trust me, it works! I never thought I would ever get to this point but now that I have given myself time to love myself I am so much more grateful for my life, more at peace with it and I live my best life every single day. Every decision I make for myself ensures that I am putting myself first, because I matter the most. This is the mind set you need to get yourselves into too! Here are a few tips that have helped me love myself and remind me why I am important: 

1. Waking up each day and looking at yourself in the mirror telling yourself you are 'beautiful, strong and amazing' and that today is going to be the best day ever

2. Writing down the things you are grateful for (the best results happen when you do this daily. For me, being grateful is so natural now and I tend to be momentarily grateful because it comes so naturally to me now. You honestly feel so happy and alive when you are grateful for what you have, not what you don't)

3. Doing your hobbies (for me that is the gym, reading and singing)

4. Going on long walks on your own and enjoying your own company

5. Book yourself a massage

6. Doing your nails

7. Surrounding yourself with your friends and family

8. Having a girl's night in (or out) and laughing together like there is no tomorrow because what better way to feel good about yourself than to laugh with a great group of girl friends? 

9. Writing qualities that you like about yourself (with examples) 

10. Doing a good deed for someone else and not telling anyone about it 

11. Have a goal to do something you have never done before and look forward to it each day until it happens

12. Having a movie day in bed in your room with the door shut and not being bothered by anyone (I recommend putting your phone on flight mode during this time. You will survive not being on it for 2 hours or so, get used to enjoying YOUR time properly!) 

13. Be selfish by making decisions that always serve YOU 

14. If something does not feel right for you, don't do it

I could come up with an endless list of other things, but these tips have really helped me remind myself why I am important and that I deserve to put myself first every day. 

Having neglected myself for many years has been the biggest motivation to changing my life around. As you get older, you realise there is no time to waste on self sabotage and neglecting your own needs. Live your best life for YOU, each and everyday and see amazing things unfold right in front of you. 

You deserve to live your best life, make it count!

All my love and light,



P.s. Feel free to reach out to me any time and if you're in London, I would love to meet you! 

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