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The cliche to finding love

Everybody knows the feeling of loneliness - whether it be you’re sick of having friends with benefits because of the expiry date that comes with them, or if you were never in that position to begin with and are merely wanting a companion to love and for them to love you in return (unconditionally) And then you desperately want to find love, so much so that years go by and you begin to wonder if it will ever happen, whether true love is even on the cards for you. 

Sound familiar?

Well don’t fret, you’re not alone. For years I was going through this and because I’d met more dickhead men than nice men, I never believed any good ones existed, but I also thought true love wasn’t on the cards for me, because of the amount of power I gave to these men who treated me like a piece of meat. My outlook on guys (and even love) became distorted. Even though I knew deep down I was being utterly dramatic and unreasonable, my negative outlook on love simply took over. 

For 5 years I had been single - some of the time I was simply on my own and not dating anyone at all, and some of the time I was dating. 

Then one day in April 2018 changed everything...

What I didn’t know then, is that I had met the love of my life and it’s not until you’re in this position that you begin to understand that when you aren’t looking or trying, they appear right in front of you.

I won’t go into too much detail about myself and Luca as Luca is a private person. But what I will say is that meeting him was the best thing to have happened to me, and as the cliche saying goes - “your true love comes when you least expect it” and that he did.

Here I was, finally sorting my life out and not worrying about men or even trying to find someone. I finally reached a point in my life where I was kicking goals and just enjoying my life on my terms. And it’s because of all that that I met Luca.

We all know that how we feel about ourselves and see ourselves opens the universe up to attracting men based on those feelings. If you have a negative view of yourself, you will attract men who see themselves in the same light, hence the toxic and volatile relationships to follow. And vice versa - if you have a positive view of yourself, you attract men who see themselves in the same light. It’s all about your vibes, and men are intelligent creatures. They can sniff vulnerability and confidence from miles away, and whatever team you’re playing for (whether positive or negative) guaranteed that guy will gravitate towards you - and trust me, you do not want to be on team negative...

Believe me, I know how easy it is to feel sorry for yourself and self destruct when you’re single for so long. You become exhausted, less and less hopeful that you’ll find your soulmate. And so you engage in behaviours that are really unhealthy. I get it, it’s tough. 

But trust me, from all my experiences, I encourage you to play on team positive and just focus on you, enjoy your life and the fact that you can live on your terms for as long as you can. This is the time to set goals, think about who you really are and dedicate every single day to loving yourself and writing down all the good qualities about yourself, and accepting yourself for all that you are - good and bad. 

It is only then that everything else will fall into place, including a loving and deserving relationship. 

I’m the happiest I’ve ever been - I finally found a guy who is genuine through and through and who always has the best intentions at heart. He is kind, caring, loving, respectful, supportive and always wants the very best for me. He pushes me to succeed and be strong within myself. He loves me for my attributes and my flaws. We aren’t perfect by any means, but our imperfections make us perfect. And that is true, unconditional love. 

Your vibe attracts your tribe, and you can have anything you want in life if you truly believe it. 

Don’t try, don’t beg, don’t settle. Always aim high and set yourself high standards. Concentrate on you and then one day when you’ll be going about your business, this is when your true love will appear before your eyes and you won’t even know it!

All my love and light, 



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